What food does your Great Dane like eating?
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Only you know how to treat and feed your beloved pet but I want to tell you what i know about Great Danes breed's diet. Great Dane is a big and very active animal that is considered to be a part of the working dog breed. In order for these canines to be healthy and strong it is recommended to feed them with good appropriate food. It is considered that dry professional feeding-stuffs are to be included in the food of Gentle Giant more frequently than other feed.
Professional foodstuffs contain many microelements, easy digested proteins and vitamins. Those dog owners who prefer feeding their pets with natural food probably know that it is desirable to feed Great Dane with meat as meat is the main product in large dog breed’s menu. It is preferable to give raw meat that is stringy and coarse as your Gentle Giant will be developing and strengthening his jaws as well as promoting the work of the whole digestive tract.
Ways to determine appropriate food volume
There are two ways to determine appropriate volume:
First is called “Roughly”. If your Great Dane is neither skinny nor fat, active and full of energy, the ration is balanced and enough for your dog...
