Brief information about Great Dane

The homeland of Great Dane is Germany. The Great Danes appeared in 15th century and are considered to be the offspring of the Molossian dogs and English Smooth Hounds.

This is the description of Great Dane breed made in 1675: “Great Dane’s appearance is similar to a beautiful horse, he combines big height, huge strength and elegance. He has no Mastiff’s clumsiness, but he isn’t so slim as Hound as well. He presents a gold mean between these two breeds”.

Due to their anatomy and saved skills of pickling dogs, the Great Danes were a very popular breed both among swell society and in hunters’ kennels. The breed cross German boarders very quickly and settled firmly in other countries.

The population of Great Dane breed in Germany was substantially shortened because of the First World War and difficult years after it. Fortunately, it wasn’t destroyed completely so there was no need to re-create it.

Among all breeds of the Molossian dogs the Great Danes have one of the best anatomies. They are also the most temperamental and agile dogs, that can easily fulfill their guard and even etching functions.

According to the standard of the breed, the dog shouldn’t show any emotions both towards his owner (or members of the family) and strangers even being at the excitement peak. Notwithstanding the external indifference to the strangers, Great Dane is a perfect guard and defender.

To get a perfect “four-footed” friend for your family, it’s vital to find understanding with your puppy from the early age. Be prepared to bear a lot of material and emotional costs until your puppy become an adult dog. The puppy should be constantly supervised until he is two years old, because this breed is subjected to rachitis. The puppy needs food, that consist a lot of proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. Besides, it’s important to add sufficient quantity of mineral supplementary feedings to the food.

Along with the healthy nutrition your Great Dane needs graduated training, in particular long-term and various loads, according to his age and individual characteristics. Great Dane likes different training sessions and due to them he becomes reliable “four-footed” companion to his owner. The dogs of this breed like to be in movement, swim, jump and run.

Great Dane is a very even-tempered dog, thus an inadequate pet is normally a result of neglect or bad training.

After reading this article you may think that it’s really difficult to breed a well-mannered and healthy dog, but aren’t all the efforts worth noticing the admire looks on your beautiful and strong Great Dane?

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