Articles about Great Dane. Posted by
The main purpose of the training is to teach the dog to use his hindquarters properly. Puppies should begin training when they are one month old. When the puppy is two month old, he should be trained to wear collar and harness. Harness suits Great Dane better because it doesn't restrict dog's movements. Please, don't use food during the training sessions. It's not desirable for the dog to drink during the sessions either. The training session should last approximately 20 minutes, so you may spend time with your favourite dog even if you are very busy. It will be easier to pay attention to your dog's training if you make a certain schedule and determine the necessary exercises. The main commands, that your Great Dane should learn are "heel", "go" and "stay". Use the same word to command. These commands are very useful, because they help you to control the dog. Remember, that the Great Danes don't become obedient dogs automatically. They need training and, in fact, they like it.
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